Permanent Infatuation

It is the eighth day of Spoleto and wow, have we had a good time! One of my favorite moments was meeting a couple from Charleston, West Virginia. It just so happened that Bennett was at the booth at that moment, and he asked them what their advice was to us newlyweds. As a couple of 8 years of marriage, they said "always talk, and never stop the weekly date." We thought it was sweet advice and Bennett left for work. Well that couple ended up coming back the next day and purchased a painting that I had done while I was falling deeply in love with my husband. I had it at the show but wasn't sure I wanted to actually sell it, but when this couple knowing the story behind the piece wanted it, I was able to let it go. I have to admit I teared up a bit, but I am glad to know that such a meaningful piece to my love story is going to a home with so much love.